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Message: Re: The price deflator indicates we are somewhere between 5-6x the price level of 1968. So

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: February 23, 2012 08:12AM

Re: The price deflator indicates we are somewhere between 5-6x the price level of 1968. So
$5.00 gas today is 80 cents - $100 / gal in 1968, when it was what, 65 cents?

yes its up, but not by as much as people think.


Actually, Looks like it was about $.33/gal in non adjusted dollars.
Here's a link on this


It would appear we're ready to break some new ground--in constant dollars--for the price of gasoline.

Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: February 23, 2012 07:58AM

Re: The price deflator indicates we are somewhere between 5-6x the price level of 1968. So
$5.00 gas today is 80 cents - $100 / gal in 1968, when it was what, 65 cents?

yes its up, but not by as much as people think.


Actually, it was about $.33/gal in non adjusted dollars.
Here's a link on this


It would appear we're ready to break some new ground--in constant dollars--for the price of gasoline.