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Message: Re: Boxsters starting to appreciate?

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: February 23, 2012 08:23PM

Re: Boxsters starting to appreciate?
Totally worth it. Remember that it's had ALL the servicing done to it by the dealer.

Just imagine the stacks of records they must have with a car that's been driven about 450 miles a year. ....let's see, for me that would be one round trip to the dealer for an oil change each year + 1250 "fun" miles. :S

Bet it was owner by a little old lady who drove it to church at the end of her block once a week.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: February 23, 2012 08:18PM

Re: Boxsters starting to appreciate?
Totally worth it. Remember that it's had ALL the servicing done to it by the dealer.

Just imagine the stacks of records they must have with a car that's been driven about 450 miles a year. ....let's see, for me that would be one round trip to the dealer for an oil change each year + 150 "fun" miles. :S

Bet it was owner by a little old lady who drove it to church at the end of her block once a week.