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Message: Re: G-man, the only Vegas line left is your build date :D

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: March 01, 2012 11:09AM

Re: G-man, the only Vegas line left is your build date :D
If you value your money, I wouldn't be placing any bets on the "Near Future" line.

In general, I like the new look, . the new roof, the line and how it works, the new spoiler, the side vents have grown on me.

I wonder what the coolant temp and fuel gauge will look like, since that seems to be a display rather than gauge. I check those regularly while driving.

There are some things I just don't like.

Still disappointed about Honda Civic mirrors on a Boxster.

Those finny tailights.

That new shifter.....located WAY up there .....hard to tell until you actually sit in one and drive it, though. With no short shift option available ...mabye they've made it standard? ...who knows.

The only wheels I really like are ....gasp [size=x-large]20"[/size] ::o On our roads, I shudder to think what that will would do to the fillings in my teeth.

I just know that the first time I sat in a 987, it felt like the Porsche engineers had designed the car specifically for me, with the controls RIGHT THERE, where I wanted them.

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: March 01, 2012 11:08AM

Re: G-man, the only Vegas line left is your build date :D
If you value your money, I wouldn't be placing any bets on the "Near Future" line.

In general, I like the new look, . the new roof, the line and how it works, the new spoiler, the side vents have grown on me.

I wonder what the coolant temp and fuel gauge will look like, since that seems to be a display rather than gauge. I check those regularly while driving.

There are some things I just don't like.

Still disappointed about Honda Civic mirrors on a Boxster.

Those finny tailights.

That new shifter.....located WAY up there .....hard to tell until you actually sit in one and drive it, though. With no short shift option available ...mabye they've made it standard? ...who knows.

The only wheels I really like are ....gasp [size=x-large]20"[/size] ::o On our roads, I shudder to think what that will do to the fillings in my teeth.

I just know that the first time I sat in a 987, it felt like the Porsche engineers had designed the car specifically for me, with the controls RIGHT THERE, where I wanted them.