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Message: The $2000 is sunk and only will go to lower future repairs. The remaining ~4500

Changed By: grant
Change Date: March 01, 2012 01:17PM

The $2000 is sunk and only will go to lower future repairs. The remaining ~4500
is a pretty small chunk of the delta to a new Boxster, at what, $60k?

If you are considering a newer used Boxster, then it wont have brand new tires or clutch.

So i fail to even see a valid question here!

Unless you have "fat wallet syndrome" and want a quick cure, keep it.

While you are doing the clutch, you might do the IMS end bearing pro-actively. Should be about another $1100 or so, all in.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: March 01, 2012 01:16PM

The $2000 is sunk and only will go to lower future repairs. The remaining ~4500
is a pretty small chunk of the delta to a new Boxster, at what, $60k?

If you are considering a newer used Boxster, then it wont have brand new tires or clutch.

So i fail to even see a valid question here!

Unless you have "fat wallet syndrome" and want a quick cure, keep it.
