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Message: Not that eventual resale means much to me, but this car will be known as a "rare find" eventually.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: March 05, 2012 01:20PM

Not that eventual resale means much to me, but this car will be known as a "rare find" eventually.
We've all read articles that say something like, "This 356A was one of only four cars produced by the factory with this configuration, and has now become much sought after."
And as it's been mentioned, the car will be, knock on wood, less likely to be subject prone to casual theft.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: March 05, 2012 01:18PM

Not that eventual resale means much to me, but this car will be known as a "rare find" eventually.
We've all read articles that say something like, "This 356A was one of only four cars produced by the factory with this configuration, and has now become much sought after."
And as it's been mentioned, the car will be, knock on wood, less likely to be subject to casual theft.