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Message: Re: Zainos & Brake Dust Cleaning

Changed By: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Change Date: March 19, 2012 07:58AM

Re: "fix-a-flat" goop and tire patch kitZainos & Brake Dust Cleaning
Kevin, since you're just up the road from me we'll have to get together to compare notes.

I use zaino car wash and then the zaino polish on them[/quote]

Sure, anytime. I currently am working till 2p each day w/ Wed-Thur off.

Also, I have been using Zainos on my other cars for a couple years and will be spending Tue & Wed polishing this car w/ it. I have an order coming from them today and will look into their wheel polish.

Getting brake dust off the wheels is a concern. The stuff sticks to the aluminum wheels of my Gran Cherokee like glue and only a dedicated brake dust cleaner seemed to work.

My biggest decision is what vanity plates to get. I can't decide between something Porsche-related or another theme.

Original Message

Author: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Date: March 19, 2012 07:57AM

Re: "fix-a-flat" goop and tire patch kit
Kevin, since you're just up the road from me we'll have to get together to compare notes.

I use zaino car wash and then the zaino polish on them[/quote]

Sure, anytime. I currently am working till 2p each day w/ Wed-Thur off.

Also, I have been using Zainos on my other cars for a couple years and will be spending Tue & Wed polishing this car w/ it. I have an order coming from them today and will look into their wheel polish.

Getting brake dust off the wheels is a concern. The stuff sticks to the aluminum wheels of my Gran Cherokee like glue and only a dedicated brake dust cleaner seemed to work.

My biggest decision is what vanity plates to get. I can't decide between something Porsche-related or another theme.