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Message: Sorry, frogster, but I regularly passed one in someone's driveway. The engine wasn't the issue.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: March 27, 2012 07:49PM

Sorry, frogster, but I regularly passed one in someone's driveway. The engine wasn't the issue.
It's a blockiness that exagerates the high beltline. The diagonals are too simple/severe. That rear image makes me think it could be a wildly modified Pinto. Lamborghinis since the Countach have extreme angularity yet are sensual, ; this Dino has none. Bertone, usually successful, wasn't able to "square" Pininfarina's "circle."
Some here don't like where the Boxster has gone, yet it's an evolution. Back in the 70s, it was a shock to see the Dino's sudden, complete transformation from the visceral 206/246. Ferrari subsequently got it right with the 308.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: March 27, 2012 07:37PM

Sorry, frogster, but I regularly passed one in someone's driveway. The engine wasn't the issue.
It's a blockiness that exagerates the high beltline. The diagonals are too simple/severe. That rear image makes me think it could be a wildly modified Pinto. Lamborghinis since the Countach have extreme angularity yet are sensual, this Dino has none. Bertone, usually successful, wasn't able to "square" Pininfarina's "circle."
Some here don't like where the Boxster has gone, yet it's an evolution. Back in the 70s, it was a shock to see the Dino's sudden, complete transformation from the visceral 206/246. Ferrari subsequently got it right with the 308.