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Message: Be wary of faint "tiger stripes" from inconsistent passes of the paint gun.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: March 27, 2012 07:48PM

Be wary of faint "tiger stripes" from inconsistent passes of the paint gun.
Seal Grey was impossible to spot touch with a brush. As Marc indicated, the lay of the crystals is the issue. I found I had to mix in a drop of regular silver, and even at that had to touch up the same spot several times until I could get the brightness to match from only the one most anticipated angle of view. Just this issue is one of the reasons I've always had reservations about metallics, and wish Porsche offered a wider range of flats without having to order a "special." Agate Grey, while darker than what I'd like, ought to be easier to work with.
Changed By: Laz
Change Date: March 27, 2012 07:47PM

Be wary of faint "tiger stripes" from inconsistent passes of the paint gun.
Seal Grey was impossible to spot touch with a brush. As Marc indicated, the lay of the crystals is the issue. I found I had to mix in a drop of regular silver, and even at that had to touch up the same spot several times until I could get the brightness to match from only the one most anticipated angle of view. Just this issue is one of the reasons I've always had reservations about metallics, and wish Porsche offered a wider range of flats without having to order a "special."

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: March 27, 2012 07:46PM

Be wary of faint "tiger stripes" from inconsistent passes of the paint gun.
Seal Grey was impossible to spot touch with a brush. As Marc indicated, the lay of crystals is the issue. I found I had to mix in a drop of regular silver, and even at that had to touch up the same spot several times until I could get the brightness to match from only the one most anticipated angle of view. Just this issue is one of the reasons I've always had reservations about metallics, and wish Porsche offered a wider range of flats without having to order a "special."