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Message: No E-Z Pass in the universe north of the border.

Changed By: Guenter in Ontario
Change Date: April 04, 2012 11:38PM

No E-Z Pass in the universe north of the border?.
Quick semi-related story: I know someone who used to have a right hand drive Karmann Ghia. He kept a long-handled church collection basket in it for toll transactions. Got a lot of amazed looks from the toll booth people.[/quote]

But, I did own a Karmann Ghia. Mine was the more common LH drive variety. Saved tones of money on collection baskets. :D

Original Message

Author: Guenter in Ontario
Date: April 04, 2012 11:37PM

No E-Z Pass in the universe north of the border?
Quick semi-related story: I know someone who used to have a right hand drive Karmann Ghia. He kept a long-handled church collection basket in it for toll transactions. Got a lot of amazed looks from the toll booth people.[/quote]

But, I did own a Karmann Ghia. Mine was the more common LH drive variety. Saved tones of money on collection baskets. :D