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Message: Re: Thinking about it, a "yardstick" that's 12" long would measure things 3x larger than actual B)

Changed By: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Change Date: April 17, 2012 05:57PM

Re: Thinking about it, a "yardstick" that's 12" long would measure things 3x larger than actual B)
I didn't think "foot stick" sounded right. :Sright, and I remembered the term "ruler" after it was too late to edit. Doh :S

Original Message

Author: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Date: April 17, 2012 05:55PM

Re: Thinking about it, a "yardstick" that's 12" long would measure things 3x larger than actual B)
I didn't think "foot stick" sounded right. :S