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Message: Re: Wrong... black box would only show he swerved, lost control, hit divider, flipped....

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: April 20, 2012 05:02PM

Re: Wrong... black box would only show he swerved, lost control, hit divider, flipped....
I've only driven on the autobahn for 3 days back in 2000, but one of the things I did notice is the lane discipline (slower cars right, no one camping out in the left lane) and that it seemed that everyone understood how the system worked and stayed within the rules.
I have to say that when you're flying in that left lane, passing traffic on your right that might be moving 60 mph less than you are, I felt I had to concentrate on both lanes equally for fear of somebody just pulling out--like they would in the states. With those kinds of closing speeds, all it takes is one guy not paying attention and you've got a disaster.

Makes me wonder how often this happens?

This story made me think of a video I saw with a Corvette Z06 traveling over 300kph on an autobahn stretch, with traffic nearby, here it is:

Near the end he passes a minivan in the next lane at 300kph+, moving over a bit to give the van a bit more room.

Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: April 20, 2012 04:46PM

Re: Wrong... black box would only show he swerved, lost control, hit divider, flipped....
I've only driven on the autobahn for 3 days back in 2000, but one of the things I did notice is the lane discipline (slower cars right, no one camping out in the left lane) and that it seemed that everyone understood how the system worked and stayed within the rules.
I have to say that when you're flying in that left lane, passing traffic on your right that might be moving 60 mph less than you are, I felt I had to concentrate on both lanes equally for fear of somebody just pulling out--like they would in the states. With those kinds of closing speeds, all it takes is one guy not paying attention and you've got a disaster.

Makes me wonder how often this happens?