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Message: And a Teamspeed review:

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: April 22, 2012 11:50AM

And a Teamspeed review:

ps: On my computer screen at least, the red paint rendition goes orange after the first image. Some sort of color space issue I think, and I see the effect often, s. Some clues are renderings of red calipers and taillights as orange. Does anyone else see this?

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: April 22, 2012 11:34AM

And a Teamspeed review:

ps: On my computer screen at least, the red paint rendition goes orange after the first image. Some sort of color space issue I think, and I see the effect often, some clues are renderings of red calipers and taillights as orange. Does anyone else see this?