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Message: Re: AOS Replacement Cost?

Changed By: boxsterd
Change Date: May 11, 2012 01:59PM

Re: AOS Replacement Cost?
I forgot the total cost, but when I took my car whoops....I'm getting mixed up with replacing AOS with RMS....I went in originally because of the AOS failure at around 75k miles, I also haded, the clutch and IMS bearing replaced (with LNEngineering ceramic bearing). The IMS bearing was preventive measure since they were in there n they told me the labor RMS was mostly done. I couldn't believe I needed a new bad...and THEN I had the clutch at 75k miles but they showreplaced me a picture and it looked pretty worn. If you're replacing the AOS have your clutch inspected and I would get the LNEngineer ceramic IMS bearing installreplaced. Nevermind! :D

Original Message

Author: boxsterd
Date: May 11, 2012 01:53PM

Re: AOS Replacement Cost?
I forgot the total cost, but when I took my car in because of AOS failure at around 75k miles, I also had the clutch and IMS bearing replaced (with LNEngineering ceramic bearing). The IMS bearing was preventive measure since they were in there they told me the labor was mostly done. I couldn't believe I needed a new clutch at 75k miles but they showed me a picture and it looked pretty worn. If you're replacing the AOS have your clutch inspected and I would get the LNEngineer ceramic IMS bearing installed.