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Message: BTW, it looks like discount tire gives a way a $100 prepaid card if you buy 4 tires,

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: May 12, 2012 01:31PM

BTW, it looks like discount gives a way a BTW, it looks like discount tire making it a better deal.gives a way a $100 prepaid card if you buy 4 tires,
but i think the deal goes away at the end of business on Saturday--to for phone orders or Sunday. if you order on line.-
Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: May 12, 2012 01:28PM

BTW, it looks like Hankook discount gives a way a BTW, it looks like discount tire making it a better deal.
n/tbut i think the deal goes away at the end of business on Saturday--today.

Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: May 12, 2012 01:20PM

BTW, it looks like Hankook gives a way a BTW, it looks like discount tire making it a better deal.