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Message: Another great TSBL session...thanks to Gundo and Renee!

Changed By: CarreraLicious
Change Date: May 19, 2012 05:06PM

Another great TSBL session...thanks to Gundo and Renee!
Thanks G and Renee for hosting another fine TSBL gathering. It was terrific seeing old friends again, and the food was awesome. Where else can you get a free oil change and a great meal at the same time?! Lol. Here's a pic, but I'm sure there will be others posted...
Maurice and Gundo, thanks again for helping me basically do my oil change for me. ;)

Jaay, is also officially the quickest mechanics I've ever seen...great job on the motor mount swap. What did it take you??..like half an hour? :)

Original Message

Author: CarreraLicious
Date: May 19, 2012 05:05PM

Another great TSBL session...thanks to Gundo and Renee!
Thanks G and Renee for hosting another fine TSBL gathering. It was terrific seeing old friends again, and the food was awesome. Where else can you get a free oil change and a great meal at the same time?! Lol. Here's a pic, but I'm sure there will be others posted...
Maurice and Gundo, thanks again for helping me basically do my oil change for me. ;)

Jaay, is also officially the quickest mechanics I've ever seen...great job on the motor mount swap. What did it take you??..like half an hour? :)