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Message: On one of my long road trips (MA to FL) I found that

Changed By: tom coughlin
Change Date: May 22, 2012 08:59AM

On one of my long road trips (MA to FL) I found that
after the first day my normally comfortable driver seat was causing discomfort to the area between my front and rear pants pockets, just where the side seat bolster is. A quick experiment with a towel placed just on the flat bottom of the seat raised me up just enough (1/3 to 1/2 inch) clear the bolster and I drove thousands of miles in comfort.
So, bring along something that can lift you up a bit, and if this symptom appears, use it to hopefully solve the problem.

Original Message

Author: tom coughlin
Date: May 22, 2012 08:56AM

On one of my long road trips (MA to FL) I found that
after the first day my normally comfortable driver seat was causing discomfort to the area between my front and rear pants pockets, just where the side seat bolster is. A quick experiment with a towel placed just on the flat bottom of the seat raised me up just enough (1/3 to 1/2 inch) clear the bolster and I drove thousands of miles in comfort.
So, bring along something that can lift you up a bit, and if this symptom appears, use it to hopefully solve the problem.