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Message: Actually, the porsche spec is to measure at operating temp.

Changed By: grant
Change Date: May 24, 2012 11:41AM

Actually, the porsche spec is to measure at operating temp.
Says so in the owners manual. Aside from that, agree.

The key issue is twofold:

1. if the oil has been agitated bv driving, it must settle before the measurement is accurate
2. if the oil is cold, it is very viscous and wont drain quickly, so it can take an hour - in theory

best is to have a warm motor, level surface, and a few minutes for it to drain. A gas station iwth a poured concrete surface is ideal.

A cold garage will yield a low reading, as the motor will actualyl shring marginally, making the sump and internal voume larger


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: May 24, 2012 11:31AM

Actually, the porsche spec is to measure at operating temp.
Says so in the owners manual. Aside from that, agree.