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Message: Since we're talking tires...

Changed By: bar10dah
Change Date: May 25, 2012 11:15PM

Since we're talking tires...
...might I ask some advice on offsets?

I have OEM 7.5 x 18 w/50 mm fronts and 9 x 18 w/52 mm rears.

Another OEM 18" option for my '99 are 8 x 18 w/50 mm and 10 x 18 w/47 mm.

The wheels I'm considering are 8 x 18 w/ 54 mm fronts and either 9 x 18 w/ 43 mm or 10 x 18 w/40 mm rears.

Appears the new fronts will have 10 mm less inner clearance and extend the outside edges by 2 mm from my current setup. Will that work/fit?

Which option rear should I select, 9 or 10 inch width? 9 inch width would be 9 mm more inner clearance and stick out an additional 9 mm from my current setup. 10 mm inch width would be 1mm less internal clearance and stick out an additional 25 mm.

Those numbers are the differences from my current rim/offsets. But since there's a larger width rim that was available from the factory, can I use those numbers to help confirm the max widths/offsets I can use? If so, the differences as compared to the larger wheels would be fronts 4 mm less inner clearance and outer edge reduced by 4 mm. And the rears would be 17 mm more inner clearance and reduce outer edge by 9 mm for the 9 inch width. And 5 mm more inner clearance and stick out an additional 5 mm.

Original Message

Author: bar10dah
Date: May 25, 2012 10:49PM

Since we're talking tires...
...might I ask some advice on offsets?

I have OEM 7.5 x 18 w/50 mm fronts and 9 x 18 w/52 mm rears.

Another OEM 18" option for my '99 are 8 x 18 w/50 mm and 10 x 18 w/47 mm.

The wheels I'm considering are 8 x 18 w/ 54 mm fronts and either 9 x 18 w/ 43 mm or 10 x 18 w/40 mm rears.

Appears the new fronts will have 10 mm less inner clearance and extend the outside edges by 2 mm from my current setup. Will that work/fit?

Which option rear should I select, 9 or 10 inch width? 9 would be 9 mm more inner clearance and stick out an additional 9 mm from my current setup. 10 mm would be 1mm less internal clearance and stick out an additional 25 mm.

Those numbers are the differences from my current rim/offsets. But since there's a larger width rim that was available from the factory, can I use those numbers to help confirm the max widths/offsets I can use? If so, the differences as compared to the larger wheels would be fronts 4 mm less inner clearance and outer edge reduced by 4 mm. And the rears would be 17 mm more inner clearance and reduce outer edge by 9 mm for the 9 inch width. And 5 mm more inner clearance and stick out an additional 5 mm.