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Message: Another review (Autoblog)

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 06, 2012 08:01PM

Another review (Autoblog)
Some new (to me anyway) information, although the top speed for the PDK S is wrong, and in the video I'm not sure what the guy means by the "new scoops" on the rear control arms feeding the brakes. This is the second review I've come across that has no complaint about the electromechanical steering.
It makes me wonder all the more that the model release push back has to do with Hans und Franz tweaking the steering after the slightly negative press commentary. Either that or the gap between the base EPA mileage release and the S's.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: June 06, 2012 07:57PM

Another review (Autoblog)
Some new (to me anyway) information, although the top speed for the PDK S is wrong, and in the video I'm not sure what the guy means by the "new scoops" on the rear control arms feeding the brakes. This is the second review I've come across that has no complaint about the electromechanical steering.