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Message: Fortunately, just the opposite.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 13, 2012 09:10AM

Fortunately, just the opposite.
The car [i]should[/i] be deliverable right on the model release date, June 28. Just [i]two more weeks.[/i] It's been a long, long road, and the sense of realization is becoming palpable. I told my sales guy when he gets to the dealership that morning I'll be sitting by the front door in a lawn chair with a cold cup of coffee from the night before!
On the other hand, an apt paraphrase: "Believe me Lang, the day before shall be the Longest Day."

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: June 13, 2012 09:06AM

Fortunately, just the opposite.
The car [i]should[/i] be deliverable right on the model release date, June 28. Just [i]two more weeks.[/i] It's been a long, long road, and the sense of realization is becoming palpable. I told my sales guy when he gets to the dealership that morning I'll be sitting by the front door in a lawn chair with a cold cup of coffee from the night before!