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Message: Parked outside and drove it everyday since 2000...

Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: June 15, 2012 12:46PM

Parked outside and drove it everyday since 2000...
Boston is not a parking-friendly city. We got our Boxster in 2000 and do have a private driveway, but no garage. So in the Winter, the car will look like this when it snows...:http://www.rainydaymagazine.com/RDM2011/RainyDaySports/Aikido/GiftCertificates/SnowCoveredBig.jpg

After 12 years, the finish is still in great condition as most of the time it was under the Porsche all-weather cover.
We switch to Blizzaks in November and to PZeros in May. That may change as it seems to be impossible to find 16" snow tires anymore.

Our experience with the Boxster is that it is fine leaving it outside as long as it is covered and it is a great Winter car.

Oh yeah...we have a hardtop for it and it goes on as late as possible.
Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: June 15, 2012 12:44PM

Parked outside and drove it everyday since 2000...
Boston is not a parking-friendly city. We got our Boxster in 2000 and do have a private driveway, but no garage. So in the Winter, the car will look like this when it snows...:http://www.rainydaymagazine.com/RDM2011/RainyDaySports/Aikido/GiftCertificates/SnowCoveredBig.jpg

After 12 years, the finish is still in great condition as most of the time it was under the Porsche all-weather cover.
We switch to Blizzaks in November and to PZeros in May. That may change as it seems to be impossible to find 16" snow tires anymore.

Our experience with the Boxster is that it is fine leaving it outside as long as it is covered and it is a great Winter car.

Original Message

Author: RainyDayGarage
Date: June 15, 2012 12:44PM

Parked outside and drove it everyday since 2000...
Boston is not a parking-friendly city. We got our Boxster in 2000 and do have a private driveway, but no garage. So in the Winter, the car will look like this when it snows:http://www.rainydaymagazine.com/RDM2011/RainyDaySports/Aikido/GiftCertificates/SnowCoveredBig.jpg

After 12 years, the finish is still in great condition as most of the time it was under the Porsche all-weather cover.
We switch to Blizzaks in November and to PZeros in May. That may change as it seems to be impossible to find 16" snow tires anymore.

Our experience with the Boxster is that it is fine leaving it outside as long as it is covered and it is a great Winter car.