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Message: There's a contention if E-Z Pass is used to issue speeding tickets, drivers would stop using it.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 20, 2012 12:49AM

There's a contention if E-Z Pass is used to issue speeding tickets, drivers would stop using them.it.
On the other hand, they've become an ingrained convenience, like AC and electric window lifts in cars. (And now windstops in convertibles!) Perhaps someday they'll be the only way to have access to toll roads, kind of like NYC Subway's MetroCard. Then the authorities can use them for ticketing.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: June 20, 2012 12:48AM

There's a contention if E-Z Pass is used to issue speeding tickets, drivers would stop using them.
On the other hand, they've become an ingrained convenience, like AC and electric window lifts in cars. (And now windstops in convertibles!) Perhaps someday they'll be the only way to have access to toll roads, kind of like NYC Subway's MetroCard. Then the authorities can use them for ticketing.