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Message: Check .....

Changed By: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Change Date: June 23, 2012 06:24PM

Check .....
..... all of the air inlet tubes, hoses, fittings, etc.
Make sure the rubber sleeves that secure the intake tee to the engine are correctly in place and tight.
Make sure that the throttle body is tight onto the tee.
Make sure the Air/Oil separator hose (J-tube) is connected securely.
It sure sounds like you have a BIG vacuum leak.
Happy Boxstein

Original Message

Author: Pedro (Odessa, FL)
Date: June 22, 2012 06:06PM

Check .....
..... all of the air inlet tubes, hoses, fittings, etc.
Make sure the rubber sleeves that secure the intake tee to the engine are correctly in place and tight.
Make sure that the throttle body is tight onto the tee.
Make sure the Air/Oil separator hose (J-tube) is connected securely.
It sure sounds like you have a BIG vacuum leak.
Happy Boxstein