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Message: mesh opening in wheel well

Changed By: Trygve (San Francisco, CA)
Change Date: June 25, 2012 12:28PM

mesh opening in wheel well
I've seen photos of that modification. I'd suspect there must be a good reason why someone would do it. Or it could be that some guy thought it up or saw it on another car, others followed suit, yet it doesn't help anything.

When I removed the left side fan AC condensor, fan, & shroud, I took notice of where the radiator airflow goes, considering just that very modification. On its face I'm not sure the mesh modification is beneficial. Normally, air flows in the inlet, thru the radiator, and then is directed by the fan shroud shape straight down in front of the plastic lip that is the subject of this original post. (Without the shroud, the air still exits thru the same opening downward in front of the wheel well, but with less of a smooth tunnel.) It seems like the purpose of that lip is to help route the hot air lower in front of the tire, presumably having to do with a clean air flow. Maybe it helps split the airflow around the tire better. If you just pipe the hot air directly at the vertical face of the tire tread thru a mesh in the wheel well liner, that strikes me as being a much more disturbed and turbulent air flow. It also seems like if the intent is to get more air on the brakes, the problem is that it's heated air, which seems wrong.

Original Message

Author: Trygve (San Francisco, CA)
Date: June 25, 2012 12:26PM

mesh opening in wheel well
I've seen photos of that modification. I'd suspect there must be a good reason why someone would do it. Or it could be that some guy thought it up or saw it on another car, others followed suit, yet it doesn't help anything.

When I removed the left side fan AC condensor, fan, & shroud, I took notice of where the radiator airflow goes, considering just that very modification. On its face I'm not sure the mesh modification beneficial. Normally, air flows in the inlet, thru the radiator, and then is directed by the fan shroud shape straight down in front of the plastic lip that is the subject of this original post. (Without the shroud, the air still exits thru the same opening downward in front of the wheel well, but with less of a smooth tunnel.) It seems like the purpose of that lip is to help route the hot air lower in front of the tire, presumably having to do with a clean air flow. Maybe it helps split the airflow around the tire better. If you just pipe the hot air directly at the vertical face of the tire tread thru a mesh in the wheel well liner, that strikes me as being a much more disturbed and turbulent air flow. It also seems like if the intent is to get more air on the brakes, the problem is that it's heated air, which seems wrong.