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Message: 120K+...on the 4th water pump

Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: June 25, 2012 08:40PM

120K+...on the 4th water pump
The last one failed in less than two years. At least Porsche refunded the cost of the part, but it didn't make being stranded on the way back from NYC any less of a PITA.
However, if one had to breakdown on RT95, best to do it 3 miles from Fairfield Porsche...the y really took care of this out-of-towner a week before Christmas. Had the car back in 2 days.

Original Message

Author: RainyDayGarage
Date: June 25, 2012 08:35PM

120K+...on the 4th water pump
The last one failed in less than two years. At least Porsche refunded the cost of the part, but it didn't make being stranded on the way back from NYC any less of a PITA.
However, if one had to breakdown on RT95, best to do it 3 miles from Fairfield Porsche...the really took care of this out-of-towner a week before Christmas.