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Message: Re: Don't bother with the pictures - probably too fuzzy from the shaking.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: June 26, 2012 09:32AM

Re: Don't bother with the pictures - probably too fuzzy from the shaking.:D
Actually, I'm "quite" happy with the color. As I said, I was awestruck by the color combination and the car overall.
Concerning my garage: it's quite rustic, to say the least. None of that high tech tiling or vintage Targa Florio posters on the walls. First order of business would be repaving the beat up 160 foot driveway, but that's not in this year's budget... wonder why?
Shaking or not, using a 35mm (mild wide angle) with a high enough shutter speed will be my configuration of choice. I miss Kodachrome...

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: June 26, 2012 09:28AM

Re: Don't bother with the pictures - probably too fuzzy from the shaking.:D
Actually, I'm "quite" happy with the color. As I said, I was awestruck by the color combination and the car overall.
Concerning my garage: it's quite rustic, to say the least. None of that high tech tiling or vintage Targa Florio posters on the walls. First order of business would be repaving the beat up 160 foot driveway, but that's not in this year's budget... wonder why?
Shaking or not, using a 35mm (mild wide angle) with a high enough shutter speed will be my configuration of choice. I miss Kodachrome...