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Message: Porsche about to announce first recall of 981's

Changed By: Roger987
Change Date: June 29, 2012 10:22AM

Porsche about to announce first recall of 981's
(Reuters) "A Porsche insider leaked word today that Porsche has encountered a quality control issue with the newly-released and much vaunted successor to its two earlier Boxster models (widely regarded as having saved the auto company from financial ruin).

Although over the years, Porsche has produced more than its share of cars with mechanical woes, the problem this time is of a different nature. It seems the dye process used for the fabric roof and interior materials (notably seating surfaces) was flawed, leading to reports of new owners emerging from rain-soaked cars 'blue-faced" ' and, as the insider succinctly put it "'blue-assed". '. He went on to say that "there are likely a few people who might regard this as cool (Katy Perry springs to mind), but most will be 'quite unimpressed'.

At the moment, no estimate has been given as to the number of cars affected, though it is not considered large. It is anticipated that Porsche will offer affected buyers an even trade for a 987 (the earlier, more reliable but less flashy Boxster model) or a replacement roof and interior in the more traditional black. "
Changed By: Roger987
Change Date: June 29, 2012 10:18AM

Porsche about to announce first recall of 981's
(Reuters) "A Porsche insider leaked word today that Porsche has encountered a quality control issue with the newly-released and much vaunted successor to its two earlier Boxster models (widely regarded as having saved the auto company from financial ruin).

Although over the years, Porsche has produced more than its share of cars with mechanical woes, the problem this time is of a different nature. It seems the dye process used for the fabric roof and interior materials (notably seating surfaces) was flawed, leading to reports of new owners emerging from rain-soaked cars 'blue-faced" and, as the insider succinctly put it "blue-assed". He went on to say that "there are likely a few people who might regard this as cool (Katy Perry springs to mind), but most will be 'quite unimpressed'.

At the moment, no estimate has been given as to the number of cars affected, though it is not considered large. It is anticipated that Porsche will offer affected buyers an even trade for a 987 (the earlier, more reliable but less flashy Boxster model) or a replacement roof and interior in the more traditional black. "

Original Message

Author: Roger987
Date: June 29, 2012 10:15AM

Porsche about to announce first recall of 981's
(Reuters) "A Porsche insider leaked word today that Porsche has encountered a quality control issue with the newly-released and much vaunted successor its two earlier Boxster models (widely regarded as having saved the auto company from financial ruin).

Although over the years, Porsche has produced more than its share of cars with mechanical woes, the problem this time is of a different nature. It seems the dye process used for the fabric roof and interior materials (notably seating surfaces) was flawed, leading to reports of new owners emerging from rain-soaked cars 'blue-faced" and, as the insider succinctly put it "blue-assed". He went on to say that "there are likely a few people who might regard this as cool (Katy Perry springs to mind), but most will be 'quite unimpressed'.

At the moment, no estimate has been given as to the number of cars affected, though it is not considered large. It is anticipated that Porsche will offer affected buyers an even trade for a 987 (the earlier, more reliable but less flashy Boxster model) or a replacement roof and interior in the more traditional black. "