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Message: I checked. It isn't a crazy asking price.

Changed By: Steve (Morro Bay)
Change Date: July 22, 2012 10:05AM

I checked. It isn't a crazy asking price.
Out of curiosity, I looked on cars.com for all 1998 boxsters for sale. They had 28 31 listed. A few didn't have asking prices or mileage shown. Of the remainder, the average asking price was $12,275. There were 6 cars with around 70k-80k miles. For those, the asking prices were spread around almost evenly between 9k and 14k.

Original Message

Author: Steve (Morro Bay)
Date: July 22, 2012 09:50AM

I checked. It isn't a crazy asking price.
Out of curiosity, I looked on cars.com for all 1998 boxsters for sale. They had 28 listed. A few didn't have asking prices or mileage shown. Of the remainder, the average asking price was $12,275. There were 6 cars with around 70k-80k miles. For those, the asking prices were spread around almost evenly between 9k and 14k.