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Message: Fortunately the exception; not the rule.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 27, 2012 01:57PM

Fortunately the exception; not the rule.
There've been maybe three or four occurrences of my car's Yachting Blue interior looking light and slightly towards green. A couple hours ago I was at my bank and parked the car in a spot with tall green hedges in front of it and the sunlight hitting them fairly directly. The last time the interior looked greenish was at the same location at around the same time of day and weather conditions: it's all that green light projecting onto the car's interior. In just about every other circumstance YB appears darker and less saturated, almost slate blue, which matches up beautifully with the other "silica" element of the car; the "Agate" paint.
Concerning the top color "Blue," it'd be nice if that were YB also, but I think Porsche assumes blue tops will pretty much be installed with blue, white, or Platinum cars, and finishes in the gray family will have black. II've imagined that a black top wonder uldn't work with a YB interior. Hmmm... what Porsche would charge for a custom-dyed top?

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 27, 2012 01:55PM

Fortunately the exception; not the rule.
There've been maybe three or four occurrences of my car's Yachting Blue interior looking light and slightly towards green. A couple hours ago I was at my bank and parked the car in a spot with tall green hedges in front of it and the sunlight hitting them fairly directly. The last time the interior looked greenish was at the same location at around the same time of day and weather conditions: it's all that green light projecting onto the car's interior. In just about every other circumstance YB appears darker and less saturated, almost slate blue, which matches up beautifully with the other "silica" element of the car; the "Agate" paint.
Concerning the top color "Blue," it'd be nice if that were YB also, but I think Porsche assumes blue tops will pretty much be installed with blue, white, or Platinum cars, and finishes in the gray family will have black. I wonder what Porsche would charge for a custom-dyed top?