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Message: That would go well with a "Brooklyn sofa" and carpeting: plastic on everything.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: July 27, 2012 02:07PM

That would go well with a "Brooklyn sofa" and carpeting: plastic on everything.
I never understood people who got "nice" furniture and then lost all the value of its contact surfaces. Nothing like a hot day, Bermuda shorts and plastic covered dining room chairs! Yech! The notion of actually covering just about everything came up when I bought the car, but I felt that would be ridiculous. The original idea was to protect the main frontal area from stone chips and sand blasting. On my 2001 the only places I saw some damage (roughening) of the paint other than the nose and hood was on the back edges of the rear wheel well folds. I might've mentioned somewhere else that I'm having the Crystal Fusion windshield treatment done.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: July 27, 2012 02:06PM

That would go well with a "Brooklyn sofa" and carpeting: plastic on everything.
I never understood people who got "nice" furniture and then lost all the value of its contact surfaces. Nothing like a hot day, Bermuda shorts and plastic covered dining room chairs! Yech! The notion of actually covering just about everything came up when I bought the car, but I felt that would be ridiculous. The original idea was to protect the main frontal area from stone chips and sand blasting. On my 2001 the only places I saw some damage (roughening) of the paint was on the back edges of the rear wheel well folds. I might've mentioned somewhere else that I'm having the Crystal Fusion windshield treatment done.