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Message: I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaack!

Changed By: MattTheCarNut
Change Date: August 02, 2012 03:33PM

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaack!
Wow. What a long two years that was.

36 hours ago I picked up Colby2. He is a 2009 CPO Boxster, aqua blue over sand beige, 6speed.

After getting rid of Colby in August 2010, I thought I would be fine in a VW. The GTI was a great car. I loved the looks, features, engine, and interior refinement. However, I never got used to FWD and the torque steer that came with it. It was only six or so months before I started looking at Boxsters on Autotrader- Hey it's a fun past time. I never saw the right Boxster for me. It HAD to be Cobalt/Aqua. If I did, it was SO far away. Between then and now I almost leased a Golf R, Touareg, F30 3er, A4, but I never pulled the trigger. It didn't feel right. Well, this Boxster arrived at the dealer last Friday, and I sealed the deal on Tuesday.

I cannot stop smiling. When I walk up to my car, I smile. When I start the engine, I smile. When I go around a corner, I smile. When I realize the cupholders suck, I smile.


Stay tuned for more pics, more impressions, more mods, and more FUN.

I am so happy to be part of the Porsche family again. I"ll be returning to Boxstoberfest this year....Crap, I need to sign up! LOL

PS. I love the LED lights. It makes the car look so amazing. My Mom took this pic following me home....


Original Message

Author: MattTheCarNut
Date: August 02, 2012 03:32PM

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaack!
Wow. What a long two years that was.

36 hours ago I picked up Colby2. He is a 2009 CPO Boxster, aqua blue over sand beige, 6speed.

After getting rid of Colby in August 2010, I thought I would be fine in a VW. The GTI was a great car. I loved the looks, features, engine, and interior refinement. However, I never got used to FWD and the torque steer that came with it. It was only six or so months before I started looking at Boxsters on Autotrader- Hey it's a fun past time. I never saw the right Boxster for me. It HAD to be Cobalt/Aqua. If I did, it was SO far away. Between then and now I almost leased a Golf R, Touareg, F30 3er, A4, but I never pulled the trigger. It didn't feel right. Well, this Boxster arrived at the dealer last Friday, and I sealed the deal on Tuesday.

I cannot stop smiling. When I walk up to my car, I smile. When I start the engine, I smile. When I go around a corner, I smile. When I realize the cupholders suck, I smile.


Stay tuned for more pics, more impressions, more mods, and more FUN.

I am so happy to be part of the Porsche family again. I"ll be returning to Boxstoberfest this year....Crap, I need to sign up! LOL