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Message: You are correct. (about getting from brake to gas)

Changed By: grant
Change Date: August 09, 2012 10:00AM

You are correct. (about getting from brake to gas)
Its a weakness i know about and fight every minute. Basically nervous on two fronts:

1. slow to move from tap to gas because i'm trying to be smooth with weight transfer. But i just wind up slow
2. cautious through some turns in general since this is not a forgiving track

In general i'm actually on the gas before the apex but very lightly, and I roll in as the car unwinds. But i'm on the gas so lightly its probably insufficient, and you certainly could not hear the roar of the mighty 2.7. Ahem.

That said i made a pact with myself when i jumped groups just before a track i have a lot of respect for, not to be "that guy" so i really went out of my way to give quick, early passes and lift lightly.

Speed will come. Thanks for the tip - you're the first to either notice or have the honestly to tell me :-) but i mostly knew.

Good to be reminded though.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: August 09, 2012 09:57AM

You are correct. (about getting from brake to gas)
Its a weakness i know about and fight every minute. Basically nervous on two fronts:

1. slow to move from tap to gas because i'm trying to be smooth with weight transfer. But i just wind up slow
2. cautious through some turns in general since this is not a forgiving track

That said i made a pact with myself not to be "that guy" so i really went out of my way to give quick, early passes and lift lightly.

Speed will come. Thanks for the tip - you're the first to either notice or have the honestly to tell me :-) but i mostly knew.

Good to be reminded though.
