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Message: What i hear -- and have nto seen -- is that the top is closed for rigidity and also...

Changed By: grant
Change Date: August 09, 2012 12:22PM

What i hear -- and have nto seen -- is that the top is closed for rigidity and also...
A pair of bolts goes through the caliper and pads, securing them and further reducing flex. You turn it and uit snaps off at torque. About $40 and a PITA for trackside changes. Apparently companies workign on re-usable kit. Again, i'm fuzzy about the specifics until i see it and hold it.

Note - for non-track driven cars the brakes likely perform better with better feel. Speculation of course.


Original Message

Author: grant
Date: August 09, 2012 12:21PM

What i hear -- and have nto seen -- is that the top is closed for rigidity and also...
A pair of bolts goes through the caliper and pads, securing them and further reducing flex. You turn it and uit snaps off at torque. About $40 and a PITA for trackside changes. Apparently companies workign on re-usable kit. Again, i'm fuzzy about the specifics until i see it and hold it.
