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Message: Colby2 Stock Photos....

Changed By: MattTheCarNut
Change Date: August 10, 2012 06:26PM

Colby2 Stock Photos....
I decided to snap some pictures of Colby2 while stock, because he isn't staying that way for long. This car is amazing. I just picked it up from Porsche again after a five-day absence. I got the car with a gigantic scratch on the driver's door. So, I dropped it off this Monday. Five days later, good as new. Actually better than new because they had to blend into the rear quarter panel. I got rid of the The rock chips by the vent are gone and the stoneguard was replaced. is brand new. Yippeee!

Oh and for those who do not know, I live in Houston now. It's no Austin, but the job market is WAY better. :)




















Stay tuned!

Original Message

Author: MattTheCarNut
Date: August 10, 2012 06:25PM

Colby2 Stock Photos....
I decided to snap some pictures of Colby2 while stock, because he isn't staying that way for long. This car is amazing. I just picked it up from Porsche again after a five-day absence. I got the car with a gigantic scratch on the driver's door. So, I dropped it off this Monday. Five days later, good as new. Actually better than new because they had to blend into the rear quarter panel. I got rid of the rock chips by the vent and the stoneguard was replaced. Yippeee!

Oh and for those who do not know, I live in Houston now. It's no Austin, but the job market is WAY better. :)




















Stay tuned!