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Message: Do NOT use the HAWKs if you plan to switch back and forth

Changed By: grant
Change Date: August 16, 2012 10:48AM

Do NOT use the HAWKs if you plan to switch back and forth
The HPS relies on a chemical bonding that is incompatible with man/most other pads.

May be Ok if installed with new rotors and run exclusively - but switching invites trouble.

i had nightmares on my Audi. And HAWK did little to fix the issue, although a tech admitted it ( subsequently fired too)
Long version - the HAWk's claim to fame is good bite with low dust. How does one achieve this miracle?
By designing a pad that deposits a film on and in the surface of the rotor. This deposition then grabs the pad - so its not so much metal-to-pad friction as a pad-to-chemical bond. I don't know the specifics and they are not talking.

This has two downsides:

1. if the deposition in uneven, you get pad deposits and horrible pulsing.
2. if you exchange to many/most other pads, you get the same - an incompatibility this time.

Hawk now tells me they specifically "require" a new or turned rotor. Seem they prefer to just take the money and hope.

I had a terrible experience on my S6. Once i put race pads in, it ground the deposition off and all was well, but it would always come back, and the brakes got very grabby. I finally replaced everything (Jurid, Zimmerman Z-coat) and all is well.

And HAWK did little to fix the issue, although a tech admitted it ( subsequently fired too)

May be Ok if installed with new rotors and run exclusively - but switching invites trouble. Why invite trouble?

ps: mike - feel free to buzz me - you have my cell

Original Message

Author: grant
Date: August 16, 2012 10:38AM

Do NOT use the HAWKs if you plan to switch back and forth
The HPS relies on a chemical bonding that is incompatible with man/most other pads.

May be Ok if installed with new rotors and run exclusively - but switching invites trouble.

i had nightmares on my Audi. And HAWK did little to fix the issue, although a tech admitted it ( subsequently fired too)
