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Message: Any sage advice when changing MT gear oil? ( 5 speed Audi 01 Tranny; 986)

Changed By: grant
Change Date: August 22, 2012 12:35PM

Any sage advice when changing MT gear oil ? ( 5 speed Audi 01 Tranny; 986)?
I read you need the tamper-resistant triple square; and that one should / must remove the diagonal brace to gain access to the fill/drain plugs.

Any advice re:

1. general procedure
2. not affecting alignment when removing diagonal brace
3. other?

I'm changing at ~50k mostly due to the hgih number of track days.



Original Message

Author: grant
Date: August 22, 2012 12:21PM

Any sage advice when changing MT gear oil ( 5 speed Audi 01 Tranny; 986)?
I read you need the tamper-resistant triple square; and that one should / must remove the diagonal brace to gain access to the fill/drain plugs.

Any advice re:

1. general procedure
2. not affecting alignment when removing diagonal brace
3. other?

I'm changing at ~50k mostly due to the hgih number of track days.

