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Message: Per Pelican it's 11mm below the hole for the 986 5 speed.

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: August 22, 2012 11:14PM

I think Per Pelican it's 11mm below the hole for the 986 5 speed and all the way up for the 6..
You can improvise a dipstick of sorts with a piece of bendable metal or some heavy gauge house wire. Keep it plenty long so there's no risk of dropping it in.
I gave the Bentley manual to my friend who now owns my 01, otherwise I'd be more certain... a little searching online might reveal the correct answer.
EDIT: Here's Pelican's take on it (scroll down to the third grayed box) :

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: August 22, 2012 11:03PM

I think it's 11mm below the hole for the 986 5 speed and all the way up for the 6.
You can improvise a dipstick of sorts with a piece of bendable metal or some heavy gauge house wire. Keep it plenty long so there's no risk of dropping it in.
I gave the Bentley manual to my friend who now owns my 01, otherwise I'd be more certain... a little searching online might reveal the correct answer.