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Message: Another Friday Scan Day on Saturday

Changed By: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Change Date: August 25, 2012 01:05PM

Another Friday Scan Day on Saturday
I have seen plenty of Beemers, Audis, Mercedes, Corvettes, etc, but no P-Car out c on the road. this week (except for mine (:D ). We were at Olive Garden the other night and HAD to share these pics with you. If I had been the owner of this gorgeous ride, it would never have been setting in a parking lot sandwiched between two 4-door sedans. ::o

I don't know what the problem is with these pics; Photobucket is forcing you to open them manually. Sorry.





I could have eaten off any portion of that car. The cockpit looked brand new. Awesome.

Original Message

Author: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Date: August 25, 2012 01:04PM

Another Friday Scan Day on Saturday
I have seen plenty of Beemers, Audis, Mercedes, Corvettes, etc, but no P-Car out on the road. We were at Olive Garden the other night and HAD to share these pics with you. If I had been the owner of this gorgeous ride, it would never have been setting in a parking lot sandwiched between two 4-door sedans. ::o

I don't know what the problem is with these pics; Photobucket is forcing you to open them manually. Sorry.





I could have eaten off any portion of that car. The cockpit looked brand new. Awesome.