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Message: Cars & Coffee - Greenville

Changed By: Lawdevil & CURVN8R
Change Date: August 25, 2012 03:11PM

Cars & Coffee - Greenville
This mornign I drove down to Greenville for their Cars & Coffee. Thought I would be the only 981 there but I pulled in reight next to Jim from SC with his new 981. Good guy and really nice car in Platinum Silver with a Platinum Grey interior!

Lot of great cars there; I was drooling. Here are a few samples:



Lot of great cars there; I was drooling. Our 981's got more than their share of attention - expecially since there wa a large Porsche contingent. Here are a few samples:









Original Message

Author: Lawdevil & CURVN8R
Date: August 25, 2012 03:00PM

Cars & Coffee - Greenville
This mornign I drove down to Greenville for their Cars & Coffee. Thought I would be the only 981 there but I pulled in reight next to Jim from SC with his new 981. Good guy and really nice car in Platinum Silver with a Platinum Grey interior!

Lot of great cars there; I was drooling. Here are a few samples:



Lot of great cars there; I was drooling. Our 981's got more than their share of attention - expecially since there wa a large Porsche contingent. Here are a few samples:
