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Message: So pretty! I haven't been to NOTL in 10 years. I bet even huts cost $1mill now. HA! Here is mine...

Changed By: MattTheCarNut
Change Date: August 31, 2012 12:38PM

So pretty! I haven't been to NOTL in 10 years. I bet even huts cost $1mill now. HA! Here is mine...
...Since I don't have any of Colby2 by water, I'll post one of the first pics of Colby!


EDIT: I should say this is Colby overlooking Lake Travis in Austin, TX.

Original Message

Author: MattTheCarNut
Date: August 31, 2012 12:38PM

So pretty! I haven't been to NOTL in 10 years. I bet even huts cost $1mill now. HA! Here is mine...
...Since I don't have any of Colby2 by water, I'll post one of the first pics of Colby!
