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Message: Re: And Now For Something Completely Different (Trivia)

Changed By: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Change Date: September 01, 2012 11:01AM

Re: And Now For Something Completely Different (Trivia)
Nice to see a Friday Scan Day posted on Friday. :)-D

For those who want a German car but have never been able to afford one, you too can now own a piece of German technology for the measly price of $2000. Here is one such example I saw driving the streets of Chippewa Lake in Medina County yesterday. I again apologize for the overly-large, iPhone pics.



The "car" is street legal in this community; is battery-powered and a charge lasts for a full week of local driving; and according to the owner, even has air conditioning. The torque and top speed is somewhat limited. Please make note of the deluxe horn.

But how can this Mercedes golf cart operate legally? Read on, McDuff.

In Ohio, there were three and now are four communities the state allows golf carts to freely roam the streets. The carts need to have the same lights, title, license plates, etc as cars, and have to be inspected and approved by the local police. Once approved, any licensed driver may operate them in that particular municipality. Historically, those three communities have been Chippewa Lake, Gloria Glens (next door to Chip Lake), and South Bass Island (aka Put-in-Bay). Rittman in Wayne County just approved them for use, also.
Changed By: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Change Date: September 01, 2012 11:00AM

Re: And Now For Something Completely Different (Trivia)
Nice to see a Friday Scan Day posted on Friday. :)-D

For those who want a German car but can't quite have never been able to afford one, you too can now own a piece of German technology for the measly price of $2000. Here is one such example I saw driving the streets of Chippewa Lake in Medina County yesterday. I again apologize for the overly-large, iPhone pics.



The "car" is street legal in this community; is battery-powered and a charge lasts for a full week of local driving; according to the owner, even has air conditioning. The torque and top speed is somewhat limited. Please make note of the deluxe horn.

But how can this Mercedes golf cart operate legally? Read on, McDuff.

In Ohio, there were three and now are four communities the state allows golf carts to freely roam the streets. The carts need to have the same lights, title, license plates, etc as cars, and have to be inspected and approved by the local police. Once approved, any licensed driver may operate them in that particular municipality. Historically, those three communities have been Chippewa Lake, Gloria Glens (next door to Chip Lake), and South Bass Island (aka Put-in-Bay). Rittman in Wayne County just approved them for use, also.

Original Message

Author: KevinR-MedinaOhio
Date: September 01, 2012 10:58AM

Re: And Now For Something Completely Different (Trivia)
Nice to see a Friday Scan Day posted on Friday. :)-D

For those who want a German car but can't quite afford one, you too can own a piece of German technology for the measly price of $2000. Here is one such example I saw driving the streets of Chippewa Lake in Medina County yesterday. I again apologize for the overly-large, iPhone pics.



The "car" is street legal in this community; is battery-powered and a charge lasts for a full week of local driving; according to the owner, even has air conditioning. The torque and top speed is somewhat limited. Please make note of the deluxe horn.

But how can this Mercedes golf cart operate legally? Read on, McDuff.

In Ohio, there were three and now are four communities the state allows golf carts to freely roam the streets. The carts need to have the same lights, title, license plates, etc as cars, and have to be inspected and approved by the local police. Once approved, any licensed driver may operate them in that particular municipality. Historically, those three communities have been Chippewa Lake, Gloria Glens (next door to Chip Lake), and South Bass Island (aka Put-in-Bay). Rittman in Wayne County just approved them for use, also.