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Message: Audi Q5 or GLK 350 for a baby hauler - NBC

Changed By: CK in Chatham NJ
Change Date: September 03, 2012 09:50PM

Audi Q5 or GLK 350 for a baby hauler - NBC
Hey guys it's been a long time since I posted, but I continue to lurk on the site. I still have my lapis blue 2002 2.7l boxster and she's going strong with 47k miles. I plan to do some maintenance on her this year as she is beginning to show her age.

I'm writing because I wanted to see what you guys thought of the above two cars? I test drove both today and love the glk 350, it is fast and the transmission via the paddle shifters is genius. I had lots of fun driving it. It's a little on the small side at least slightly smaller than the q5 but easily carries two car seats and my wife's stroller (those are the requirements).

My wife test drove the q5 and we both love it's styling, but it just seems weak in the motor and transmission category. It was a nice car, but didn't seem fun to drive, its size was perfect. I don't need a car Right away as my lease doesn't expire for a few months, but am planning on ordering one of the two as I need an option not typically carried at the dealership. I need the rear seat TV for the kids.

Both cars are similarly priced but to get the q5 to the performance spec of the glk we'll have to order the pricier supercharged edition. What do you guys think? Which would you choose?

Original Message

Author: CK in Chatham NJ
Date: September 03, 2012 09:34PM

Audi Q5 or GLK 350 for a baby hauler - NBC
Hey guys it's been a long time since I posted, but I continue to lurk on the site. I still have my boxster and she's going strong with 47k miles. I plan to do some maintenance on her as she is beginning to show her age.

I'm writing because I wanted to see what you guys thought of the above two cars? I test drove both today and love the glk 350, it is fast and the transmission via the paddle shifters is genius. I had lots of fun driving it. It's a little on the small side at least slightly smaller than the q5 but easily carries two car seats and my wife's stroller (those are the requirements).

My wife test drove the q5 and we both love it's styling, but it just seems weak in the motor and transmission category. It was a nice car, but didn't seem fun to drive, its size was perfect. I don't need a car Right away as my lease doesn't expire for a few months, but am planning on ordering one of the two as I need an option not typically carried at the dealership. I need the rear seat TV for the kids.

Both cars are similarly priced but to get the q5 to the performance spec of the glk we'll have to order the pricier supercharged edition. What do you guys think? Which would you choose?