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Message: ALMS merger with GrandAm

Changed By: Lawdevil & CURVN8R
Change Date: September 05, 2012 04:24PM

ALMS merger with GrandAm
I see where GrandAm and ALMS are going to merge starting with the 2014. Seems like a good move to me, but I was wondering if anyone else has any thoughts about the pluses and minuses. Also, anyone else going to the Petit Lemans at road Atlanta?

Original Message

Author: Lawdevil & CURVN8R
Date: September 05, 2012 04:23PM

ALMS merger with GrandAm
I see where GrandAm and ALMS are going to merge starting with the 2014. Seems like a good move to me, but I was wondering if anyone else has any thoghts about the pluses and minuses.