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Message: Re: Guenter, I'll see your old clunker and raise you a year

Changed By: Roger987
Change Date: September 07, 2012 09:05PM

Re: Guenter, I'll see your old clunker and raise you a year
Thanks Guenter.

I shot it on the Blue Ridge Parkway in May of this year. It was one of those moments when everything came together just right.

From photos, I knew the 981's fenders were squared off, but when I sat in the car, I thought "wait a second, somethis ng isn't right".

Don't get me wrong - I'm certain the 981 contains a lot of engineering improvements. Just not sure they should mess with the round fenders - damned near sacrilege.

Incidentally, I intsalled the factory short shift kit about a month ago. Love it. Couldn't imagine going back. The shift into second takes more effort, and it can't be rushed, but that doesn't diminish the overall improvement. As far as I can tell, the 981's shifter throw isn't as short as the 987's with the factory short shift kit.

The one with the blue part is the short shift kit. The pivot point has been moved higher. The green piece is the alignment tool.

I was surpised to see it mounts on the carpet. I'd have thought it would mount to metal, so as to reduce any unwanted movement.




Original Message

Author: Roger987
Date: September 07, 2012 09:04PM

Re: Guenter, I'll see your old clunker and raise you a year
Thanks Guenter.

I shot it on the Blue Ridge Parkway in May of this year. It was one of those moments when everything came together just right.

From photos, I knew the 981's fenders were squared off, but when I sat in the car, I thought "wait a second, this isn't right".

Don't get me wrong - I'm certain the 981 contains a lot of engineering improvements. Just not sure they should mess with the round fenders - damned near sacrilege.

Incidentally, I intsalled the factory short shift kit about a month ago. Love it. Couldn't imagine going back. The shift into second takes more effort, and it can't be rushed, but that doesn't diminish the overall improvement. As far as I can tell, the 981's shifter throw isn't as short as the 987's with the factory short shift kit.

The one with the blue part is the short shift kit. The pivot point has been moved higher. The green piece is the alignment tool.

I was surpised to see it mounts on the carpet. I'd have thought it would mount to metal, so as to reduce any unwanted movement.


