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Message: Interesting experiment...will do that.

Changed By: RainyDayGarage
Change Date: September 13, 2012 08:17AM

Interesting experiment...will do that.
I have wondered about that and it was on the "list."
Will give this a try with the next tank.

Currently, there is a huge difference between MPG for city and highway driving.
Around Boston (how the car is used 90% of the time) the MPG is around 12.
On the highway (to/from NYC and road trips w/ highway driving) the MPG is about 22-23.

Wonder if the cleaner burn will help.

It should be an interesting experiment.

Original Message

Author: RainyDayGarage
Date: September 13, 2012 08:12AM

Interesting experiment...will do that.
I have wondered about that and it was on the "list."
Will give this a try with the next tank.