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Message: Back flushing the system

Changed By: marty
Change Date: September 24, 2012 05:03AM

Back flushing the system
Thanks for the valued advice Marc. Can you advise me the flow directions from the attached photo please from the coloured arrows?

I pray to be able to reverse flush the system by connecting my garden hose to one of the big hoses near the water pump? As I have the car on high ramps, I can't get under the front to remove the bumper to access the rads.

Changed By: marty
Change Date: September 24, 2012 04:56AM

Back flushing the system
Thanks for the valued advice Marc. Can you advise me the flow directions from the attached photo please from the coloured arrows?

I pray to be able to reverse flush the system by connecting my garden hose to one of the big hoses near the water pump? As I have the car on high ramps, I can't get under the front to remove the bumper to access the rads.


Original Message

Author: marty
Date: September 24, 2012 04:50AM

Back flushing the system
Thanks for the valued advice Marc. Can you advise me the flow directions from the attached photo please from the coloured arrows?
I pray to be able to reverse flush the system by connecting my garden hose to one of the big hoses near the water pump? As I have the car on high ramps, I can't get under the front to remove the bumper to access the rads.
