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Message: To be clear: 11,742 miles since delivery. MPG auto resets to 99.99 about every 2500 or so...

Changed By: Laz
Change Date: September 25, 2012 10:47PM

To be clear: 11,742 miles total. Consumption gauge since delivery. MPG auto resets to 99.99 about every 2500 or so...
n/tbut I'm figuring the car did about 27 - 27.5 for the trip. Saw as high as 29.3 with a range of 505. The oil was changed at a bit over 2100 and it's going in tomorrow for another. Considering about 90-95% of the miles were in 6th gear, the oil can't be too stressed out. And the car has only used maybe 9/10ths of a quart since 2100. Pretty amazing overall, I'd say.

Original Message

Author: Laz
Date: September 25, 2012 10:41PM

To be clear: 11,742 miles total. Consumption gauge resets to 99.99 about every 2500 or so.