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Message: awesome - that's how I got a Cayman too

Changed By: Steve (Morro Bay)
Change Date: October 02, 2012 01:13AM

awesome - that's how I got a Cayman too
My boxster had been in the shop for about a month, and that was just long enough for my perpetual online window-shopping to turn into a buy. I hope your boxster comes back to life, and that you hang on to both!
Changed By: Steve (Morro Bay)
Change Date: October 02, 2012 01:13AM

awesome - that's how I got a Cayman too
My boxster had been in the shop for a month, and that was just long enough for my perpetual online window-shopping to turn into a buy. I hope you're r boxster comes back to life, and that you hang on to both!

Original Message

Author: Steve (Morro Bay)
Date: October 02, 2012 01:13AM

awesome - that's how I got a Cayman too
My boxster had been in the shop for a month, and that was just long enough for my perpetual online window-shopping to turn into a buy. I hope you're boxster comes back to life, and that you hang on to both!