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Message: Re: The games people play

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: October 05, 2012 10:28AM

Re: The games people play
[quote="mikefocke, '01S Sanford, NC"]
visited the local dealer of a foreign car brand yesterday. Am at the 57k mark on mine so do the 60k or buy new question needs to be answered.

Pleasant, polite. Test drove. Better than expected. Lets get figures. Got figures...list, "discount", trade in, bottom line. Brochure too. Much better bottom line than I expected. But "trust but verify". Went home.

List price they put down was $1400 more than a price 2 states up from a dealer I bought my same brand last car from a year ago. Exactly same car. Trade in offered was $600 below even "good condition" KBB.

And they knew before they put pen to paper that I knew of the value-less add-ons the s/e distributor required all dealers in a multi-state area to add and they knew I was willing to go 250 miles for probably $2k because they knew I had done it the last time.[/quote]

As Guenter mentioned, it's hard to believe that there are still dealers out there trying to game the system by adding $'s to list price to give the appearance of a more substantial discount.

When I was going through this on the 981, while trade in values and new car discounts were all over the board, but no one I contacted was going beyond list or creating a "market" price, which I've seen before on cars that are just introduced and have a lot buzz in the market place.

Wonder if you ever tried one of those car buying approaches offered by KBB or Car.com where you request a bid from several dealers in your general area with the given car/options you want ?
I did this on a 2007 RAV4 and the bids varied substantially--$500 off sticker, $900 off sticker and $1900 off sticker on the very same car.
No hassles--came in and did the deal with the exact car I wanted. One of the most pleasant car buying experience I've ever had.

Tried this process on the 981 just for grins and the results were the exact opposite--one dealer suggested I try with this approach with another Porsche dealer, while another was very late getting back and not terribly interested. I'm thinking this technique works better with your typical high volume sedans/SUVs where the competition between dealers is more intense.

Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: October 05, 2012 10:27AM

Re: The games people play
[quote="mikefocke, '01S Sanford, NC"]
visited the local dealer of a foreign car brand yesterday. Am at the 57k mark on mine so do the 60k or buy new question needs to be answered.

Pleasant, polite. Test drove. Better than expected. Lets get figures. Got figures...list, "discount", trade in, bottom line. Brochure too. Much better bottom line than I expected. But "trust but verify". Went home.

List price they put down was $1400 more than a price 2 states up from a dealer I bought my same brand last car from a year ago. Exactly same car. Trade in offered was $600 below even "good condition" KBB.

And they knew before they put pen to paper that I knew of the value-less add-ons the s/e distributor required all dealers in a multi-state area to add and they knew I was willing to go 250 miles for probably $2k because they knew I had done it the last time.[/quote]

As Guenter mentioned, it's hard to believe that there are still dealers out there trying to game the system by adding $'s to list price to give the appearance of a more substantial discount.

When I was going through this on the 981, while trade in values and new car discounts were all over the board, but no one I contacted was going beyond list or creating a "market" price, which I've seen before on cars that are just introduced and have a lot buzz in the market place.

Wonder if you ever tried one of those car buying approaches offered by KBB or Car.com where you request a bid from several dealers in your general area with the given car/options you want ?
I did this on a 2007 RAV4 and the bids varied substantially--$500 off sticker, $900 off sticker and $1900 off sticker on the very same car.
No hassles--came in and did the deal with the exact car I wanted. One of the most pleasant car buying experience I've ever had.

Tried this process on the 981 just for grins and the results were the exact opposite--one dealer suggested I try with this approach with another Porsche dealer, while another was very late getting back and not terribly interested. I'm thinking this technique works better with your typical high volume sedans/SUVs where the competition between dealers is more intense.