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Message: Re: Sold my chassis....

Changed By: MikenOH
Change Date: October 10, 2012 01:35PM

Re: Sold my chassis....
You're making progress, Bruce. Once the rolling chassis is gone , you'll be ready for the replacement.

I'd agree with the 09 and up variants.
FWIW, it seems like there are a lot of base cars out there of these years with manuals.
They will have the 2.9L motor and 255HP--pretty close HP/TQ to what your old car had; no along with the S brakes and suspension. No DFI, but no IMS and a lot less $.
I think driving the base 987.2 back to back with a 986S would make for an interesting comparison.

My dealer has this on their website; listed at $39.9K on Cars.com:

Original Message

Author: MikenOH
Date: October 10, 2012 01:13PM

Re: Sold my chassis....
You're making progress, Bruce. Once the rolling chassis is gone , you'll be ready for the replacement.

I'd agree with the 09 and up variants. FWIW, it seems like there are a lot of base cars out there of these years with manuals.
They will have the 2.9L motor and 255HP--pretty close HP/TQ to what your old car had; no DFI, but no IMS and a lot less $.
I think driving the base 987.2 back to back with a 986S would make for an interesting comparison.